
RW L2 | Only Pain

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Vallis' eyes stared at something invisible beyond Hannibal. An escape. There had to be an escape from this question. She had come to the horrifying reality of her situation just days ago, before she had even forced herself to craft and drink that hideous Bloodfire potion. She realized that she did not know anything about Hannibal, and yet she was marked with his blessing, betrothed to his service. The desert mare swallowed hard, shifted her long legs and feet. Hannibal did not grow impatient. He merely, calmly, stood in front of her, his face expressionless save for hooded eyes. 

Waiting. Like a snake waiting for it's venom to take effect.

"My loyalty... is embodied by this gift of yours which I carry, my leige." Vallis replied, surprised at the lack of shaking in her voice, as her whole body was trembling with dismay. Hannibal let out a scoffing laugh. "You know as well as I that I only gifted you that smoke to shut your fool mouth up. When I came to you that day, I expected to make an ally. Was I wrong?" He tilted his head, and looked alarmingly innocent. Vallis licked her parched lips. Oh, Aether help me... As soon as the thought formed in her mind, a fierce rage appeared in Hannibal's eyes.

"Aether! You ask that betrayer to aid you!" He roared, the flame in his stomach growing more intense, beaming out around his ribs. Sparks flew from his nostrils as he swelled and grew in height, rising like a growing tree, until Vallis was merely the height of his knee. She screamed, backing up and rearing, as Hannibal laughed, his voice booming and deeper than before. His voice seemed to be the combination of many when he spoke. "I have known you since you were a foal, Vallis Noctis. You cannot escape me. I am as much a part of your life, as much a part of your mind, as that stallion you cherish so much! I have seen him. He follows Aether, blindly like a worm. And you will fight against him on the day of battle, and I will ensure that he does not survive your attack." 

The horror of the words hit Vallis more than the monstrosity that loomed before her. She shied just as Hannibal's huge head snaked down towards her. His teeth clapped together in her smoke, and as he hissed, a low, deafening rumble, like thunder rolled from his barrel. He raised his head and wheeled to find her again, his huge hooves creating mini craters in the earth. Blinded with terror, Vallis bolted away, but she knew, deep in her soul, that Hannibal was right. He was in her mind. He knew her thoughts. He knew any plan that she could have made to escape him.

And worst of all, he knew about Hot Rod.

Vallis bolted down the valley, soot and ash following her. She heard Hannibal calling her, warning her that she could not escape, but he must have gotten bored as she no longer felt the reverberations of his hooves on the earth behind her. Tears streamed down her face, and her lungs burned, but she continued to run, finding a winding forest path and darting down it. Part of the forest was burned away, but as she ran, green and shadows game into her view. The night was thick, and Vallis at last slowed to a halt. As she panted, her breath suddenly caught in her throat, and dispair filled her. A glow, white and ominous, was reflecting off the trees just ahead. Hannibal had found her again. She could not escape, as he had said. All hope and strength drained from her, she hung her head, walking slowly towards the glow and her fate. As she rounded a corner, the glow burned her eyes so harshly in the night that she closed them tight. "i know I am enslaved to you, Hannibal... but please, leave Hot Rod out of this." She choked on the words, eyes still clamped shut. Silence met her ears.

"You are troubled, my child." 

The voice was soft, gentle. It was not Hannibal's. Vallis' eyes flew open and she stumbled back, and before her stood Highlord Aether, glowing faintly and casting away the shadows. Vallis stared, wide-eyed, unable to speak. Aether's mane and tail were flowing, as if they were underwater, and she could not help but admire his beauty. His face held only kindness; not the stern, proud horse that Hannibal had portrayed. "I... yes.." She stammered, swallowing. Suddenly, hope ignited in her chest. Hannibal had said Hot Rod was on the side of Aether! "My liege... I am Vallis Noctis, and I.. I am.." She couldn't bear the admission. What was she supposed to say? She accidentally, through her own stupidity, followed his mad, derange son, into a war she did not want to fight, to kill the one she loves?

It hit her then. She loved him. She loved him deeply and more than she had realized.

Tears constricted her throat, and Aether's face softened. "I know you, my child. I see your pain. Hannibal has tricked you, when you were yet a foal, into following his desires. But, my child, he has not corrupted you. Your heart is pure." The highlord smiled gently, stepping closer to the mare. "I cannot rescue you from his grip. But I know you will find a way, Vallis. And Hot Rod is with me. He is looking for you." The words tore a sob from Vallis, and she all but crumpled at the Highlord's feet. "Now, come..." Aether soothed. "I must leave this place. Hannibal cannot know I am here. The war, the battle, it cannot start yet. Not here. But you will not fight against the noble stallion as Hannibal has said. Do not believe everything he says, young Vallis. Though your heart and mind are pure, you are plagued with guilt. Don't be." Aether Smiled gently, and Vallis looked up at him. "I need Hot Rod." She choked. 

Aether drew back, his smile growing. "Trust this, Vallis: You will see Hot Rod. You will see him very soon." With that, the Highlord vanished. Vallis blinked at the darkness and heaved to her feet. Hope was flooding through her. She would see him again.  
 Rounding a corner, you are shocked to come upon Aether. You cannot touch him, as a kind of force feild surrounds his body with a feint glow. What do you do? (This prompt does not require a group/additional horse)

Main Ballator: 044 | IHS Vallis Noctis 
Additional Ballators: 3970 | Hot Rod (in passing); Hannibal, Aether 
Word Count: 1057
Stats: 9
© 2017 - 2024 Fargonon
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Shadow-Hyder's avatar
Wow! Very well written but my emotions don't know what to do here!